In "Chaos and Cyber Culture", Timothy Leary related how he liked to write letters to the editors while pretended as best he could to be a conservative and highlight some of the loonier aspects of the far right. Note that this book came out in 1994, well over a decade before Stephen Colbert.
Just this morning, I checked out Reason's "Hit and Run" blog about Standard and Poor's Downgrading of the United States Government's credit rating and took note of the comments. Apparently, the tactics seems to be employed by people of various political and philosophical alignment. Who's progressive, who's conservative, who's just pretending to be on "the other side" (whatever that's supposed to mean) and who really is that plain "nutty" (whatever definition the reader chooses to use)? As for me, I'm not 100% sure I know and not even 100% sure I care.
Timothy Leary lives, people.
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